Saturday, August 15, 2009

Mainstreaming Our Look

Big Guy Code is about much more than a look. However, it appears that "the Look" is becoming mainsteam. I refer you to a recent article posted on It says guys are worrying less and less about their six-pack abs and more about the six-pack they have after dinner. This has always been the case for Big Guys whether it was a six pack of beer or a six pack of twinkies (do they make those?) At a certain point obsessing over becoming physically perfect gets in the way of actually living life. This we have always know.

So now suddenly the trend is to have a gut. They call it a "potbelly". They don't see, of course, that is has always been about much more than that. I can't tell you how many people I've run into that have a gut but insist on eating vegitarian food. This lapse in judgement can only be born from the myth that this food is healthier. If you read around a bit you'll find that soy gives men bitch tits and alztimers, most of the veggies these nazis eat are picked by underpaid laborers and shipped thousands of miles defeating the purpose of whatever the hell they were trying to achieve anyhow. Now there's giant industries for local organic food. Fuckers! It was always there, it's called a Butcher Shop. Instead of buying crap meats from Walmart people should have been buying bloody red steaks from the shop on the block. Okay so maybe that's a way of life now gone but it ain't that far gone! I can still get pissed that I can't find a decent meat market anywhere.

What was talking about? Oh yeah. Since Big Guys have never really be allowed to have fasion sense unless it came a greater cost (does anyone know how expensive it is to shop Big and Tall?) we've never bothered. In fact it's off the radar of life. Why bother meeting the standards of fasion when you've been reviled phsically your whole life? Fuck that and forget all these weiners walking around with little tummies thinking it's cute. If women decide suddenly to go for it then all it will demonstate to me is the inconsistancy of women. For the love of everything holy! Why now? Why does this trend come after I've gone through hell? I won't argue if it's really true but the problem of making this a look that is based in fashion is that it isn't then a reality but a trend for these idiots.
Check out the article below and see how dumb people have become.

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