Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Read that link if you have time. I'll give you the basics: some Fashion guy was raping his models. That's right, those little tiny women who starve themselves to please nothing but the camera lense were being assaulted. Now according to the story this happens a lot. What I have to say is this, why can't everyone just admit that those assholes who make fashion for thin people are essentially just enforcing that look to please their own preferences? I know Big Guys have what many consider "Lower standards" but what you have to say is that we do not demand women to be our victims.
We just demand women.

I don't want somebody who can't throw my arm over her shoulders to help me walk off my heart attack.
I need someone who can successfully finish their meal that they ordered when on a date.
I'm not paying 10 bucks to watch you pick at your food damn it!
Eat the hamburger! EAT IT!